a href="http://lilypie.com">Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker BABY NEWS AND PHOTOS: Finally FINN!

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Finally FINN!

It took quite a bit longer than we thought, but the baby finally showed up via emergency c-section. Jenn, ever the trooper, went through 16 hours of 1 minute contractions 2-3 minutes apart only to find that she had dilated only 1.5 centimeters. Since the water had broken half a day before the first contraction, time ran out and so did we from the birth center to the hospital. Some pitocin and an epidural helped a bit, but Finn was determined not to make this easy. After the heart rate dropped it was emergen-C time. Ah well, so much for natural childbirth. 15 minutes after they called it, out popped an 8 pound 14 ounce baby boy (backwards and cord all up around his neck). Finn Benjamin Roberts Marbury defied all the folk wisdom claiming he must be a she and proudly displayed his manhood for all to see.
Below are the first few photos, soon to be followed by more. Thank you to all who wished us well (and thanks for all the stuff!).
We are going to bed now as the hospital sleep deprivation thing is serious business.


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