Happy 8 months Finn!

Yes, our little boy is growing up, he's 8 months today.
His latest milestones include "scooching"; meaning he doesn't crawl, he bounces in a seated position in an inchworm-like fashion to get to wherever it is he has to go, usually in Maisie's direction, somewhat to her chagrin.
Yesterday he tried to feed himself his bottle, didn't want any help from mama. Didn't get much milk either, but his independent streak is getting wider all the time.
He goes on verbal rampages, saying DADADA with such conviction, and now finally we are hearing one or two Mamamamaaaaa's mixed in with the ranting. He still loves blowing raspberries as if he's competing, and this is his preferred method of conveying to me that he's done eating which usually results in me being covered in a light spatter of pureed peas or sweet potato.
The teething has set in, poor guy and its made him fairly cranky from time to time. I overheard a nurse say that if adults had to go through another teething stage, we would demand morphine.
Here are some photos too of Finn meeting his new buddy Dash from the west coast. Their mutual friend Eleanor was there too, (and I think they were talking about starting a band.)
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