First Christmas in Nassau
Finn celebrated his first Christmas with his Bahamian family and friends. We got off to a rocky start; he had a 102.4 fever for the first few days, coupled with ear infections in both ears and a sore throat and to make a long story short it turned out that he had a bout of 'roseola', which ended on Christmas day with a lovely red rash all over his little body. After that he was completely fine.
He was happy to see his Pops again, and Ashleigh, Tia Kirsten, Annika and Kassia, and he met for the first time Bruce and Bianca, and lots of my old friends from waaay back at St. Andrew's School.
Of course I was dying to let him loose on the beach, and let him feel the water and sand and let him get in touch with his Bahamian roots...yeah, he started crying when we dipped his toes in the water and lets not talk about the sand sticking to his fingers. The horror. We'll just have to go back soon and fix that right Rog?
Jen and Ashleigh

Hi Nassau
Kristina, Jen, Craig, Harmony ( mini Harmony appearing soon) and Finn
Finn meeting Aunty Heather
Cable Beach
Finn and Rog by Crystal Palace
Rog and Bruce
Finn and his Pops
Ashleigh and Finn
Uncle Leo and Finn
Tia Kirsten and cousins Kassia and Annika
Finn and Mama
Looking at a Manta Ray in Atlantis
Finn at Cabbage Beach! Finn was Not impressed.
Opening presents with Bianca on Christmas Day
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