Friday, April 21, 2006
Monday, April 17, 2006
Pictures from Easter Weekend

Hi All,
Well Finn's Mima, aka Tia Pieta (Jens aunt Marguerite) came to visit, and he loved catching up with her as two months have passed since she was here last. During her stay Finn took his first ride on the "T" (Bostons subway system)
and saw the Swan boats in the Boston garden. He enjoyed seeing his Mima again; however when she suggested that she babysit while his mom and dad go for dinner on Sunday night he wasn't shy in telling her that he thought it was a poor idea. We came home after two hours, apparently he cried nearly the whole time. (Thanks anyway Tia Pieta!-we had a great 2 hours out at Chez Henri.)
In other news, he has found his thumb, he talks to his fish (the decorations on the bouncy seat) and he has started to smile during bathtime in the kitchen sink. The other morning, sitting in bed he called out "Greg!" as clear as a bell. (Uncle Greg-I'm thinking maybe you need to come visit?)
Hope everyone had a Happy Easter -j
Saturday, April 08, 2006
2 Month Checkup
...And all is well, Finn is weighing in now at 12 lbs, 15oz, and grown to 23 inches, putting him up from the 50th percentile for weight and growth to the 75th.
Dr. Ryan remarked on how well he holds his head up and how strong his legs are.
Unfortunately, the 2 month mark is also the big shot day; as in vaccinations. It was quick but not painless and Finn yelled for all of metro Boston to hear, turned tomato red and promptly fell asleep 3 three minutes later. Since then, there's been lots of crankiness and pouting and "How-could-you-let-them-do-this-to-me-Mom" faces. But at least he'll be protected for our big trip later this summer to visit family in Spain and Switzerland.
He is also starting to babble; the usual baby noises which you can imagine however the term "AGaHHHboooo" is a favourite. Any guesses from the baby experts to its meaning are welcome. -j
Monday, April 03, 2006

Here are some very recent pictures, taken on April 2, I tried to get a little variety on the expressions for you. And on a more personal level, I can tell you that so far, his likes are long walks on the beach- no I'm kidding, but he does enjoy taking Maisie on walks, either in the stroller or the baby bjorn, and he likes sleeping on mom or dads shoulder. He does Not like bathtime, and the sound of velcro being torn apart makes his arms fly out to the sides and he looks panic stricken. He is smiling so much now, which is probably one of the best sights I've ever seen. -j