a href="http://lilypie.com">Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker BABY NEWS AND PHOTOS: January 2008

Friday, January 25, 2008

This is a really belated update for those of you who still check in every once in awhile. The first is most recent, visiting Peter Rabbit at story time,

Trying Pop Rocks for the first time with friends. "Its a party in your mouth!"

Rocking out on Uncle Chris's drum set.

Looking at trains and saying "WOW" a lot.

The other baby-during our first big snow storm, I let Maisie out to run around and got this wild eye flash reflection shot.

And since you're still here; a funny story:
While we were in Maryland visiting Aunt Isabel, Uncle Chris and Claire, I was reading Finn a book one night "Busy Day at the Airport", and towards the end, Mr Rudolf Von Flugel flies away in the Bratwurst Balloon (just go with me on this).
I showed Finn the illustration of the Bratwurst Balloon. He looked at it and said "Bah-voor" or something which sounded very similar to Bratwurst, so I said it again, "B..r..a...t...w..u..r..s...t", to which he replied "Bus!" So I said it again even more slowly this time, "Brat.....wurst....".
Finn furrowed his brow, studied the picture for a moment before looking up at me and saying nonchalantly "Hot Dog".