Finn had a great first Thanksgiving holiday in Maryland with his cousin Claire and Aunt Isabel and Uncle Chris and last but not least, Westie Lucky, who enjoyed inspecting Finns ears every day- hey we all have our vices. He even saw his Grandmaman again and met his Grand-dad in Annapolis for the first time. We also visited Maggie and Riley in Virginia, thankfully Riley didn't mind sharing his cool toys.
During this week, Finn asked for "Milk" in sign language for the first time while having lunch with Grandmaman, he pushed himself into a sitting position from his stomach, and started doing a push-up/crawl forward to get a toy. We discovered that he loves grapefruit, (even though he made the face of someone eating four sour apple jawbreakers). He loved playing peekaboo with Aunt Isabel and gives her the most winning smiles ever. And despite coming down with a cold and cough, he /we all had a marvellous time.
Here are some highlights:
Finn and Claire

Finn with the 'rents

Talking to Maggie and new buddy Riley


Hanging out with Uncle Chris

Thanks for the turkey Aunt Isabel...whats everyone else eating?

Lucky making sure Finn's ears are nice and clean

Breakfast with Aunt Isabel and Claire